Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Land of Talk - "Some Are Lakes"

In an old church outside of Montreal, Land of Talk set up to record new songs for their October release Some are Lakes. This seemingly simple ten track album is actually an intricately weaved recollection of life's ups and downs. The album is a follow-up to a two year tour and the pick up and drop off several members, and the result is a strikingly sincere album that promotes honesty.

Singer Elizabeth Powell's voice is passionate, similar to that of Regina Spector, and the underlying music is recorded with a raw quality that gives the album a homey feel. Track ten sounds as if recorded live in a basement, probably because it was. Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) also contributed to the album on the first nine tracks, and the tenth track that was recorded in his parent's basement.

The album ranges from mellow ("It's Okay," and "Troubled,") to more upbeat ("Some are Lakes," "Young Bridge," and "The Man who Breaks Things"). Land of Talk succeeds with the perfect intro and outro to the album, opening with "Yuppy Flu," and concluding with "Troubled." "Yuppy Flu," a track that projects the emotional side of the album, builds the anticipation necessary for the listener to become hooked into finishing. You'll find that the energy building until the final track. "Troubled" has more of an acoustic sound that provides for a more intimate listen; it's as if Powell is playing for you in the same room. This raw sincerity is what makes the album such a success. This song is the perfect end to the journey as it leaves the listener satisfied.

Some are Lakes can be considered life's narrative as it takes us from high to low and everywhere in between.

Land of Talk: The Man Who Breaks Things (Dark Shuffle)
Land of Talk: Troubled

Links: Check out their website here for more information, tour dates, and to purchase their cd.

Upcoming tour dates:
Jan 14 2009/ 8:00P/ Ebar (Zeroes & Little Scream)/ Guelph, Ontario
Jan 15 2009/ 8:00P/ Horseshoe Tavern (Zeroes & Little Scream)/ Toronto, Ontario
Jan 16 2009/ 8:00P/ the grad club/ (Zeroes & Little Scream)/ Kingston, Ontario

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